The agency is interested in performance as a tool, a method and instrument of research to enquire how the bodies we inhabit co-produce spaces and spaces in-between. Trough processes where overlapping, juxtaposition, negotiation, organization, distancing, navigation, affection, interdependence, co-habitation become evident the agency has explored the spaces in-between bodies and ways throughout which we can leave traces and notations of those processes.
Unruly bodies, bodies as archives (Singh, 2018), the body as a process, an always-changing entity; the voice as a record; a conversation as a historical document; polyphonic writings; coreographies; are some of the situated ways where drawing spatially, collectivelly, and together have been explored as possible spatial affairs since 2018.
The agency has designed and co-produced a number of performances/workshops to explore these questions collaborating with choreographers, students, dancers, passers-by, non-human entities, pidgeons, rubbish, women, non-binary folk, migrants, neurodiverse folk, and a constellation of bodies through situated iterations in the public space.
Unruly bodies, bodies as archives (Singh, 2018), the body as a process, an always-changing entity; the voice as a record; a conversation as a historical document; polyphonic writings; coreographies; are some of the situated ways where drawing spatially, collectivelly, and together have been explored as possible spatial affairs since 2018.
The agency has designed and co-produced a number of performances/workshops to explore these questions collaborating with choreographers, students, dancers, passers-by, non-human entities, pidgeons, rubbish, women, non-binary folk, migrants, neurodiverse folk, and a constellation of bodies through situated iterations in the public space.

Collaboration with coreographers / dancers Mateo Duvan and Ana Maria Contreras
Bogota, Colombia, 2018
Bogota, Colombia, 2018